Nacionalni parkovi

Nacionalni park Krka

Krška ljepotica Krka u svojim je jezerima mirna i tiha, a na brojnim kaskadama zaglušno bučna i razigrana. Njezina ljepota i raznolikost podsjećaju na veličanstvenu orkestralnu simfoniju pod Stvoriteljevom dirigentskom palicom.

Krka tisućama godina svojeglavo dubi svoj put kroz kamen i stvara svoje znamenite slapove. Specifične sedrene kaskade njezinih slapova vrlo su rijetke u svijetu. Godine 1985. iznimna je ljepota prepoznata i zaštićena pa je 46 kilometara toka rijeke Krke na 111 km2 proglašeno nacionalnim parkom.

Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera

Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera, ubraja se u najljepše prirodne znamenitosti Europe. To je šumovit planinski kraj kroz koji se, jedno ispod drugog, niže šesnaest prekrasnih jezera i jezeraca kristalne modrozelene boje. Vodom ih pune mnoge rječice i potoci, međusobno spojene pjenušavim kaskadama i šumnim slapovima. Tijekom tisućljeća voda ovih jezera je kršila, nagrizala i otapala stijene i korita kojima je tekla.

Taloženjem kalcijeva karbonata iz protočne vode i posredovanjem posebnih vrsta algi i mahovina, nastala je i danas nastaje na mjestima prirodnih prepreka šupljikava vrsta kamena – sedra ili travertin. Stalnim taloženjem ovog materijala rastu pregrade sa slapovima, zastorima, kanalima i kaskadama.

Taj talog oblaže bjelkastim slojem i skamenjuje palo drveće, kamenje na dnu jezera, obale, te daje vodi posebnu iskričavu ljepotu. Svojom mehaničkom snagom voda istodobno razara pojedine sedrene barijere. Stoga je čitav proces osedravanja i ojezeravanja vrlo dinamičan. U biti ovdje je riječ o biodinamičkom procesu koji je i prvorazredna atrakcija i izniman i zanimljiv znanstveni fenomen.

Proces prirodne izgradnje traje i danas u uvjetima neporemećenih ekoloških odnosa. Uz jezera ima nekoliko špilja, a nađeni su i ostaci pretpovijesnih boravišta. Nacionalni park prostire se na području od 29482 hektara, od čega na šume otpada 22308, vode 217, a na travnjake sa seoskim prostorima 6957 hektara. Visoka šuma mjestimično poprima prašumske oblike, a tom prirodnom bogatstvu odgovara i šarolikost biljnog i životinjskog svijeta. Uz mnogobrojne vrste ptica i sitne divljači, u Parku ima srna, medvjeda, vukova, divljih svinja, divljih mačaka, a u vodama pastrva. Lov, ribolov i kupanje u jezerima nisu dozvoljeni.

Dva su ulaza u Nacionalni park (Gornja i Donja jezera). Na panoramskoj karti ulazi su označeni brojkama 1 i 2. Velike informativne ploče na ulazima pružaju posjetiteljima sve osnovne podatke o načinju kretanja Nacionalnim parkom, a što se tiče staza, vidikovaca, parkirališta, ugostiteljskih objekata i hotela, pošte, autobusnih postaja, ambulante i dr. Staze su također ucrtane na ulaznicama koje posjetitelji kupuju pri ulazu. Sve dodatne informacije (smještaj, hrana, povezanost s obalom i drugim dijelovima Hrvatske, prometne informacije, itd) moguće je dobiti od djelatnika Parka u informacijskim centrima.

Nacionalni parkovi – Apartmani Jakov

Nacionalni parkovi

National parks

Krka National Park

Trip from Split takes about 1 hour. Tour in Krka lasts 3-4 hours. Full day trip.
Price: On request
The price includes:
-Vehicle up to 8 persons, english speaking driver, fuel, all roads and parkings with payment.
The price doesn’t include:
-National park ticket
Departure: on demand
There is possibility of hiring professional guide with knowledge of your national language.

The lakes of this Karst beauty, River Krka, are peaceful and silent while its numerous cascades are blaringly loud and playful.

The beauty and diversity of this river resembles a magnificent orchestral symphony under the direction of the Creator himself. For thousands of years Krka has obstinately hollowed out its path through rock and has created its remarkable waterfalls.

The peculiar travertine cascades of its waterfalls are extremely rare in the world. In the year 1985 its remarkable beauty was recognized and placed under protection proclaiming the 46 kilometres of the Krka River flow which occupy 111 square kilometres a national park.

Plitvice lakes

Trip from Split takes about 3 hours. Tour in Plitvice lasts 3-4 hours. Full day trip.
Price: On request
The price includes:
-Vehicle up to 8 persons, english speaking driver, fuel, all roads and parkings with payment.
The price doesn’t include:
-National park ticket
Departure: on demand
There is possibility of hiring professional guide with knowledge of your national language.

Plitvice Lakes National Park is one of the greatest natural wonders of Europe. Embraced by high wooded mountains, one beneath another lie sixteen beautiful lakes of crystal blue-green water.

Connected to each other by a series of foaming cascades and thundering waterfalls, the lakes are fed by many rivers and streams. Over the millennia, waters of these lakes have dissolved the limestone rock and carved out the valley in which they now lie. Through the process of sedimentation of calcium carbonate and the work of special kinds of algae and moss, tufa or travertine has been deposited, and is still deposited to form the natural dams that separate the lakes.

Since the process is going on today, just as it always has, new travertine barriers, curtains, stalactites, channels and cascades are being built and the existing ones are changing. As it is deposited, the tufa coasts the beds and banks of the lakes, giving the water sparkling beauty and petrifying trees and stones which fall into the lakes. The water keeps breaking through the travertine barriers at different places, so that the entire process of formation of lakes and dams is alive and very dynamic. This is,in fact, a continuous dynamic process of tufa formation, a unique, interesting natural phenomenon.

Nature’s construction work continues in undisturbed ecological conditions. Beside the lakes are some interesting caves in which remains of prehistoric settlements have been found. The National Park covers an area of 29482 hectares, of which 22308 hectares of forest, 217 of lakes and streams, and 6957 of meadow and farm land.

These forests, which in some places seem almost primeval, contain a wealth and variety of animal and plant life. There are deer, bears, wolves, wild boar, wildcats, small game and many kinds of birds. The waters have excellent trout. Hunting, fishing andswimming are not allowed.

There are two entrances to the National Park (Upper and Lower Lakes). On the panoramic map these are marked 1 and 2. Big notice boards at each entrance provide visitors with basic information concerning walking trails through the Park and the locations of viewpoints, car parks, hotels, post office, bus stops, first-aid posts, etc. The trails are also marked on the tickets that visitors buy when enter. All other information (accommodation, food, connections with the coast and the other part of Croatia, traffic information, etc) is provided by the Park staff in the information offices.



Nationalpark Krka

Karst Schönheit Krka in seinen Seen ist ruhig und friedlich, und die zahlreichen Kaskaden ohrenbetäubend laut und verspielt. Ihre Schönheit und Vielfalt erinnert an einen großartigen Orchestersymphonie unter der Leitung des Schöpfers.

Tausende von Jahren Krka hat seinen Weg durch Felsen hartnäckig ausgehöhlt und hat seine bemerkenswerte Wasserfälle geschaffen. Die besonderen Travertin-Kaskaden seiner Wasserfälle sind extrem selten in der Welt. Im Jahr 1985 wurde seine bemerkenswerte Schönheit erkannt und durch die 46 Kilometer des Flusses Krka geschützt bis 111 km2 zum Nationalpark erklärt wurde.

Nationalpark Plitvicer Seen

Nationalpark Plitvicer Seen, einer der größten Naturwunder Europas. Dies ist ein Waldgebiet Berg, durch die man unter einem anderen liegen sechzehn schönen Seen von Kristall blau-grüne Farbe. Wasser werden von vielen Flüssen gespeist und Bäche, miteinander verbundenen Kaskaden und tosende Wasserfälle. Über die Jahrtausende hat sich Wasser dieser Seen erodierten Felsen und Lösungsmittel und Mulden, die Lüge.

Die Ablagerung von Calciumcarbonat aus dem Wasser fließt, und spezifische Arten von Algen und Moos, wurde heute geschaffen, um die natürlichen Dämme Steinarten zu bilden – Travertin. Stehende Ablagerung dieses Materials Wachstumsbarriere mit Wasserfällen, Vorhänge, Kanäle und Kaskaden.

Die abgeschiedene, die Tuff und versteinerte Bäume, Felsen am Boden des Sees Ufer gefallen, das Wasser zu geben funkelnde Schönheit. Seine mechanische Stromleitung in der gleichen Zeit zerstört die Travertinbarrieren. Daher ist der gesamte Prozess der Bildung und ojezeravanja sehr dynamisch. In der Tat ist hier ein biologisch-dynamischen Prozess, der eine erstklassige Attraktionen und einzigartige, interessante Naturphänomen ist.

Natur Bauarbeiten weiter in ungestörter ökologischen Bedingungen. Neben den Seen einige interessante Höhlen wurden Überreste von prähistorischen Siedlungen gefunden. Nationalpark erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 29.482 Hektar, von denen die Wälder 22 308 bedecken, 217, und auf Rasen mit ländlichen Gebieten 6957 Acres. Hochwald Orte scheinen fast urzeitlich, enthalten eine Fülle und Vielfalt von Flora und Fauna. Bei vielen Arten von Vögeln und Kleintieren, dort sind Hirsche, Bären, Wölfe, Wildschweine, Wildkatzen und die Forellengewässer. Jagen, Angeln und Schwimmen sind nicht erlaubt.

Es gibt zwei Eingänge in den Nationalpark (obere und untere Seen). Auf der Panoramakarte Eingänge sind an jedem Eingang bieten den Besuchern 1 und 2. Große Aushänge nummeriert mit grundlegenden Informationen über die Art und Weise der Bewegung eines Nationalparks, aber so weit wie die Strecke, Pavillon, Parkplätze, Restaurants und Hotels, Postämtern, Bus-Stationen, Kliniken, usw. . die Wege sind auch auf den Karten markiert, die Besucher am Eingang kaufen. Alle weiteren Informationen (Unterkunft, Verpflegung, Verbindungen zur Küste und in anderen Teilen der kroatischen, Verkehrsinformationen, etc.) können von den Park-Mitarbeiter in den Informationszentren erhalten werden.
