

Međugorje je jedno od najpoznatijih katoličkih svetišta u svijetu, smješteno u blizini grada Čitluka, u južnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine. Broji oko 4300 stanovnika, a postalo je poznato kroz ukazanja Djevice Marije, koja se kao fenomen počela javljati 1981. godine. Od tada je ovo hercegovačko mjesto, uz Sarajevo, jedan od naših najposjećenijih turističkih centara, koje godišnje obiđe oko milion katolika iz cijelog svijeta. Za razliku od marijanskog svetišta u francuskom Lourdesu, koji je sa šest miliona turista-vjernika postao pravi komercijalni raj za domaće ugostitelje, Međugorsko svetište je još uvijek zadržalo svoj prvobitni šarm, u kojem hodočasnici nalaze mir u vjeri. Centar okupljanja u Svetištu Kraljice mira, kako se Međugorsko svetište službeno zove, je crkva sv. Jakova u centru mjesta.


Nalazite se na hrvatskom jugu, na maloj udaljenosti od Splita, u carstvu voda, polja i kamena. Dobrodošli u grad Sinj i Cetinsku krajinu koja vas zavodi svojom bogatom kulturom i stoljetnom tradicijom.
Sinj administrativno pripada Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji.
Ukupna površina je 194,27 km2 . Prema posljednjem popisu stanovništva provedenom 2011. godine Sinj s užom okolicom ima 24 832 stanovnika, dok u samom gradu živi 11 448 stanovnika.
Prigradska naselja koja administrativno pripadaju Sinju su Bajagić, Brnaze, Čitluk, Glavice, Gljev, Jasensko, Karakašica, Lučane, Obrovac Sinjski, Radošić, Sinj, Suhač, Turjaci, Zelovo.
Gradonačelnik Sinja je prof. Ivica Glavan s Nezavisne liste dr. Jadrijevića.
Dan Grada slavi se 15. kolovoza, na dan Velike Gospe, koja je i zaštitnica Sinja.


Hrvatsko lurdsko svetište VEPRIC osnovao je 1908.g. biskup dr. Juraj Carić (1867-1921), koji je i pokopan u svetištu.
Prirodna špilja i cijeli krajolik s brežuljcima, raslinjem i potokom među njima živo podsjeća na Lurd, gdje se je Bl.Dj.Marija godine 1858. ukazala 18 puta Bernardici Soubirous.
U ovom središtu podignuta je kapela sa sakristijom, oltar na trgu, ispovjedaonice, postaje križnog puta, dom za duhovne vježbe, staze za procesije. Podignutra je i nova kuća za potrebe svetišta i duhovne vježbe.
Zbog svoje prirodne ljepote i tišine ovo je svetište veoma posjećeno kroz cijelu godinu, a glavni su hodočasnički dani: 11.II, 25.III, 15. VIII, 7. i 8 IX.

Svetišta – Apartmani Jakov




Medjugorje ist eines der bekanntesten katholischen Wallfahrtsorte der Welt, befindet sich in der Nähe von Čitluk, im südlichen Teil von Bosnien und Herzegowina. Es hat etwa 4300 Einwohner, und es wurde berühmt für die Erscheinungen der Jungfrau Maria, die 1981 zum ersten Mal gestartet. Seitdem dieser Ort, in der Nähe von Sarajevo, einer der meist besuchten touristischen Zentren, die jährlich rund etwa eine Million Katholiken aus der ganzen Welt. Im Gegensatz zu dem Marienheiligtum von Lourdes in Frankreich, die sechs Millionen Touristen hat die Gläubigen kommerzielle Paradies für lokale Caterer wurde, ist das Heiligtum von Medjugorje behielt seinen ursprünglichen Charme, wo die Pilger Frieden im Glauben finden. Zentrum des Heiligtums der Königin des Friedens, wie das Heiligtum von Medjugorje offiziell genannt wird, ist die Kirche. James in der Mitte der Stadt.


Navigation auf der kroatischen Süden, in der Nähe von Split, im Bereich der Wasser, Felder und Stein. Willkommen in der Stadt Sinj und der Cetina Region, die Sie mit seiner reichen Kultur und jahrhundertealte Tradition verführt.
Sinj Teil von Split-Dalmatien.
Die Gesamtfläche beträgt 194,27 km2. Nach der letzten Volkszählung im Jahr 2011 Sinj mit engen Umgebung geführt hat 24.832 Einwohner, während in der Stadt 11.448 Einwohner.
Suburbs, die administrativ Sinj gehören, sind Bajagić, Brnaze, Citluk, Kapitelle, Gljev, Jasensko, Karakašica, Lučane, Obrovac Sinj, Radošić, Sinj, Suhac, Turjaci, Zelovo.
Bürgermeister von Sinj ist prof. Ivica Glavan von der unabhängigen Listen usw. Jadrijević.
Tag der Stadt wird am 15. August gefeiert, dem Tag der Annahme, die der Patron von Sinj ist.


Kroatisch Heiligtum Vepric wurde 1908 gegründet Bischof dr. Juraj Caric (1867-1921), die in der Kirche begraben.
Die natürliche Höhle und die ganze Landschaft mit Hügeln und den Bach in Live erinnert an Lourdes laufen, wo er Bl.Dj.Marija Jahr 1858 erschien 18 Mal zu Bernadette Soubirous.
Dieses Zentrum wurde eine Kapelle mit Sakristei, den Altar auf dem Platz gebaut, Beichtstühle, Kreuzweg, ein Haus für Exerzitien und Pfade für Prozessionen. Podignutra Ein neues Haus für die Zwecke der Wallfahrtskirchen und Retreats.
Aufgrund seiner natürlichen Schönheit und Ruhe dieses Heiligtum ist das ganze Jahr über besucht, eine Hauptpilgertage: 11. und 25.III, den 15. August, 7. und 8. September.




Trip from Split takes about 2 hours. Tour in Medjugorje lasts 4 hours. Full day trip.
Price: On request
The price includes:
-Vehicle up to 8 persons, english speaking driver, fuel, all roads and parkings with payment, motorway for both ways.
Departure: on demand
There is possibility of hiring professional guide with knowledge of your national language.

Medjugorje (“between the hills”) has become well known in Bosnia-Hercegovina, and the world, because of six young people who claim to have seen visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Beginning on June 24, 1981, the Blessed Mother appeared to, and later told the visionaries, God sent her to our world to help us convert our hearts and lives back to Him. Our Lady’s call is one of Peace, Love, Faith, Conversion, Prayer, and Fasting. We are each challenged to answer Our Lady’s call to change our lives, and hearts back to God. The following links to 100+ documents of information, interviews, and testimonies provide a well rounded, and accurate account and perspective of one of the greatest events in modern history.


Sinj is a Croatian town located about 40 km north of Split in Dalmatia. Sinj and its surrounding area – Cetinska Krajina – represent an interesting visitors area due to its lovely landscapes and cultural heritage for which the town is well known at home and abroad. Sinj lies in the Sinjsko polje valley with the river Cetina, surrounded by green hills and slopes of the Svilaja and Dinara mountains.
Gospa SinjskaThe town’s rich cultural heritage includes Sinjka Alka and a celebration of Our Lady of Sinj locally called Sinjska Gospa.


Croatian holy shrine of Vepric is located 500 m past Kuk, in a harmoni¬ous natural setting, at the foot of the wooded hill. This place of pilgrimage was founded in 1908 by Bishop Dr. Juraj Carić who was also buried here. The natural cave and the surroundings, hills, plants and the spring easily remind one of the French Lourdes.
A chapel and the sacristy have been built in Vepric, as well as the al¬tar, confession booths, stations of the Cross, area for spiritual exercises, and paths for processions.
Because of its natural beauty and peace, this location is regularly visit¬ed throughout the year, and especially during the pilgrimage days on Febru¬ary 11th, March 25th, August 15th, and September 7th and 8th
